The list is not exhaustive. If your country is not on the list, please contact us separately:
Afghanistan |
Baccalauria / Baccalaureate Certificate |
Baccalauria / Baccalaureate CertificateBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Albania |
Certificate of Maturity / Secondary School Leaving Certificate |
Certificate of Maturity / Secondary School Leaving CertificateBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Armenia |
Himnakan Yndhanur Krtutyan Attestat (Certificate of Basic Education) |
Himnakan Yndhanur Krtutyan Attestat (Certificate of Basic Education)Bachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Australia |
Positive results in Australia Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR) and successful completion of one of the following qualifications:· ACT Year 12 Certificate· New South Wales Higher School Certificate (HSC)· Northern Territory Certificate of Education (NTCE)· South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE)· Tasmanian Certificate of Education (TCE)· Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE)· Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE)or Senior Certificate from Queensland |
Positive results in Australia Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR) and successful completion of one of the following qualifications:· ACT Year 12 Certificate· New South Wales Higher School Certificate (HSC)· Northern Territory Certificate of Education (NTCE)· South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE)· Tasmanian Certificate of Education (TCE)· Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE)· Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE)or Senior Certificate from QueenslandBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Austria |
Reifeprüfungszeugnis/Maturazeugnis |
Reifeprüfungszeugnis/MaturazeugnisBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Azerbaijan |
Secondary School Leaving Certificate |
Secondary School Leaving CertificateBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Bangladesh |
School leaving qualifications |
School leaving qualificationsBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Belgium |
Abschlusszeugnis der Oberstufe des Sekundarunterrichts or Certificat d’enseignement secondaire supérieur (CESS) or Diploma van secundair onderwijs |
Abschlusszeugnis der Oberstufe des Sekundarunterrichts or Certificat d’enseignement secondaire supérieur (CESS) or Diploma van secundair onderwijsBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Belarus |
The Diploma of Specialised Secondary Education (Certificate of Secondary Education) |
The Diploma of Specialised Secondary Education (Certificate of Secondary Education)Bachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Matura/Secondary School Leaving Certificate |
Matura/Secondary School Leaving CertificateBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Brazil |
Certificado de Ensino Medio or University entrance examination (Vestibular, ENEM, PAS) |
Certificado de Ensino Medio or University entrance examination (Vestibular, ENEM, PAS)Bachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) Bachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Bulgaria |
Diploma Za Sredno Obrazovanie |
Diploma Za Sredno ObrazovanieBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Cameroon |
Cameroon GCE A-level |
CameroonBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Canada |
All Canadian Provincial Secondary School qualificationsAlberta: General High School Diploma with five Grade 12 (Level 30) courses,British Columbia: Senior Secondary Graduation Diploma with five Grade 12 courses,Manitoba: High School Graduation Diploma with five Grade 12 (Level 300) courses within four subject areasNew Brunswick: High School Graduation Diploma with five grade 12 courses,Newfoundland and Labrador: High School Graduation Diploma with five University Preparatory Grade 12 Courses,Northwest Territories: General High School Diploma with five Grade 12 courses,Nova Scotia: High School Completion Certificate with five Level 4 and 5 CoursesNunavut: Grade 12 Diploma, with five Grade 12 courses,Ontario: Secondary School Diploma with six Grade 12 courses, to include no more than two 4M courses,Prince Edward Island: High School Graduation Diploma with five acceptable Grade 12 courses,Québec: The Collège d’Enseignement Général et Professionnel Diplome d’Etudes Collegiales (CEGEP DEC)Saskatchewan: Completion Grade 12 Standing / Division IV Standing with five acceptable Grade 12 courses,Yukon: Senior Secondary Graduation Diploma with five Grade 12 courses |
All Canadian Provincial Secondary School qualificationsBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
China |
Senior High School Diploma, Chinese University Entrance Examination or ‘GaoKao |
Senior High School Diploma, Chinese University Entrance Examination or ‘GaoKaoBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Croatia |
Matura with the Maturalna Svjedodzba (matriculation certificate), |
Matura with the Maturalna Svjedodzba (matriculation certificate),Bachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Cyprus |
Apolytirion |
ApolytirionBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Czech Republic |
Maturitni Zkouška / Maturita with scores of 1 (výborný) in the majority of subjects taken |
Maturitni Zkouška / Maturita with scores of 1 (výborný) in the majority of subjects takenBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Denmark |
The Danish Studentereksamen (STX, HHX or HTX) or HF |
The Danish Studentereksamen (STX, HHX or HTX) or HFBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Dubai |
The Tawjihiyah (General and Religious or Vocational) |
The Tawjihiyah (General and Religious or Vocational)Bachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Egypt |
The Thanaweya A’ama (General Secondary School Certificate) |
The Thanaweya A’ama (General Secondary School Certificate)Bachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Estonia |
Gümnaasiumi Iõputunnistus, including the Riigieksam |
Gümnaasiumi Iõputunnistus, including the RiigieksamBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Ethiopia |
School leaving qualifications |
School leaving qualificationsBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Finland |
Ylioppilastutkintotodistus/ Studentexamensbetyg with four subjects, where no individual subject score is below laudatur (outstanding) |
Ylioppilastutkintotodistus/ Studentexamensbetyg with four subjects, where no individual subject score is below laudatur (outstanding)Bachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
France |
French Baccalauréat or Option Internationale du Baccalauréat |
French Baccalauréat or Option Internationale du BaccalauréatBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Gambia |
West African Senior School Certificate Examination |
West African Senior School Certificate ExaminationBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Georgia |
The Sashualo Skolis Atestati |
The Sashualo Skolis AtestatiBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Germany |
Abitur |
AbiturBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Ghana |
West African Senior School Certificate Examination |
West African Senior School Certificate ExaminationBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Greece |
Apolytirion |
ApolytirionBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Hong Kong |
Hong Kong Advanced Level Certificate |
Hong Kong Advanced Level CertificateBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Hungary |
the Erettsegi/Matura |
the Erettsegi/MaturaBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Iceland |
Stúdentspróf (from Gymnasium) |
Stúdentspróf (from Gymnasium)Bachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
India |
Year XII qualification |
Year XII qualificationBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Indonesia |
Surat Tamat Sekolah Menengah Umum Tingkat Atas/STTB: SMA (Senior Secondary School Certificate of Completion) |
Surat Tamat Sekolah Menengah Umum Tingkat Atas/STTB: SMA (Senior Secondary School Certificate of Completion)Bachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Iran |
National Entrance Exam (Konkoor) |
National Entrance Exam (Konkoor)Bachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Iraq |
The Iraqi Certificate of Preparatory Education / Sixth Form Baccalauréat |
The Iraqi Certificate of Preparatory Education / Sixth Form BaccalauréatBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Ireland |
Irish Leaving Certificate |
Irish Leaving CertificateBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Israel |
Bagrut |
BagrutBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Italy |
Diploma Di Esame Di Stato |
Diploma Di Esame Di StatoBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Japan |
Kotogakko Sotsugyo Shomeisho (Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate) |
Kotogakko Sotsugyo Shomeisho (Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate)Bachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Jordan |
Tawjihi (General Secondary Education Certificate) |
Tawjihi (General Secondary Education Certificate)Bachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Kazakhstan |
Attestat/Svidetel’ stvo o Srednem Obrazovanii (Certificate of Secondary Education) |
Attestat/Svidetel’ stvo o Srednem Obrazovanii (Certificate of Secondary Education)Bachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Kenya |
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education |
Kenya Certificate of Secondary EducationBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Kosovo |
Maturski ispit / Diploma o završenoj srednjoj školi (Secondary School Leaving Diploma) |
Maturski ispit / Diploma o završenoj srednjoj školi (Secondary School Leaving Diploma)Bachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Kuwait |
Shahadat-al-thanawia-al-a’ama (General Secondary School Certificate) |
Shahadat-al-thanawia-al-a’ama (General Secondary School Certificate)Bachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Kyrgyzstan |
The Certificate of Completed Secondary Education from Kyrgyzstan |
The Certificate of Completed Secondary Education from KyrgyzstanBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Latvia |
The Atestāts par vispārējo vidējo izglītību |
The Atestāts par vispārējo vidējo izglītībuBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Liechtenstein |
Matura |
MaturaBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Lithuania |
Brandos Atestatas |
Brandos AtestatasBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Luxembourg |
Diplôme de Fin d’Etudes Secondaires |
Diplôme de Fin d’Etudes SecondairesBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Macedonia |
Maturski ispit / Diploma o završenoj srednjoj školi (Secondary School Leaving Diploma) |
Maturski ispit / Diploma o završenoj srednjoj školi (Secondary School Leaving Diploma)Bachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Malaysia |
Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (Malaysian Higher School Certificate) or Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM/Certificate of Education) or Unified Examination Certificate (UEC) |
Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (Malaysian Higher School Certificate) or Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM/Certificate of Education) or Unified Examination Certificate (UEC)Bachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Malta |
Advanced Matriculation |
Advanced MatriculationBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Mauritius |
Cambridge Overseas Higher School Certificate |
Cambridge Overseas Higher School CertificateBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Mexico |
Bachillerato General |
Bachillerato GeneralBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Moldova |
Diplomă de Bacalaureat |
Diplomă de BacalaureatBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Monaco |
French Baccalauréat or Option Internationale du Baccalauréat |
French Baccalauréat or Option Internationale du BaccalauréatBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Montenegro |
Maturski ispit / Diploma o završenoj srednjoj školi (Secondary School Leaving Diploma) |
Maturski ispit / Diploma o završenoj srednjoj školi (Secondary School Leaving Diploma)Bachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Morocco |
The Moroccan Baccalauréat |
The Moroccan BaccalauréatBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Namibia |
Cambridge Overseas Higher School Certificate |
Cambridge Overseas Higher School CertificateBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Nepal |
School leaving qualifications |
School leaving qualificationsBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
The Netherlands |
Diploma Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (VWO) |
Diploma Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (VWO)Bachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
New Zealand |
University Entrance Certificate with National Certificates of Educational Achievement (NCEA) |
University Entrance Certificate with National Certificates of Educational Achievement (NCEA)Bachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Nigeria |
West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) or Senior School Certificate Education (SSCE) |
West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) or Senior School Certificate Education (SSCE)Bachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Norway |
Vitnemål fra den Videregående Skole (Upper Secondary Leaving Certificate) |
Vitnemål fra den Videregående Skole (Upper Secondary Leaving Certificate)Bachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Oman |
Thanawiya Amma (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) |
Thanawiya Amma (Secondary School Leaving Certificate)Bachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Pakistan |
Higher Secondary School Leaving Certificate (HSSC) |
Higher Secondary School Leaving Certificate (HSSC)Bachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Philippines |
School leaving qualifications |
School leaving qualificationsBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Poland |
Polish matura |
Polish maturaBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Portugal |
Diploma de Ensino Secundário/Certificado |
Diploma de Ensino Secundário/CertificadoBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Qatar |
Thanawaya Aa’ma Qatari (Qatar General Secondary Education Certificate) |
Thanawaya Aa’ma Qatari (Qatar General Secondary Education Certificate)Bachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Romania |
Diploma De Bacalaureat |
Diploma De BacalaureatBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Russian Federation |
Attestat o Srednam Obrazovanii (Certificate of Secondary Education) |
Attestat o Srednam Obrazovanii (Certificate of Secondary Education)Bachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Rwanda |
School leaving qualifications |
School leaving qualificationsBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Saudi Arabia |
Tawjihiyah (General Secondary Education Certificate/GSEC) |
Tawjihiyah (General Secondary Education Certificate/GSEC)Bachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Senegal |
The Baccalauréat Technique from Senegal |
The Baccalauréat Technique from SenegalBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Serbia |
Matura/Secondary School Leaving Diploma |
Matura/Secondary School Leaving DiplomaBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Sierra Leone |
School leaving qualifications |
School leaving qualificationsBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Singapore |
Singapore A-levels |
Singapore A-levelsBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Slovakia |
Slovakian Maturitńa Skúška/Maturita |
Slovakian Maturitńa Skúška/MaturitaBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Slovenia |
Matura |
MaturaBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
South Africa |
The South African Senior Certificate (with Matriculation endorsement) and IEB curriculum |
The South African Senior Certificate (with Matriculation endorsement) and IEB curriculumBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
South Korea |
Ilbankye Kodung Hakkyo (General High School Diploma) |
Ilbankye Kodung Hakkyo (General High School Diploma)Bachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Spain |
Bachillerato and PAU |
Bachillerato and PAUBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Sri Lanka |
The Sri Lanka Advanced Level |
The Sri Lanka Advanced LevelBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Sudan |
Sudan School Certificate (SSC) |
Sudan School Certificate (SSC)Bachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Sweden |
Avgangsbetyg |
AvgangsbetygBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Switzerland |
Maturitätszeugnis (Federal Maturity Certificate)Certificat De MaturitéBaccalauréatAttestato Di MaturitàEidgenössisch Anerkanntes Kantonales MaturitätszeugnisCertificat De Maturité Cantonal Reconnu Par La ConfédérationAttestato Di Maturità Cantonale Riconosciuto Dalla ConfederazioneCantonal Maturity Certificate |
Maturitätszeugnis (Federal Maturity Certificate)Certificat De MaturitéBaccalauréatAttestato Di MaturitàEidgenössisch Anerkanntes Kantonales MaturitätszeugnisCertificat De Maturité Cantonal Reconnu Par La ConfédérationAttestato Di Maturità Cantonale Riconosciuto Dalla ConfederazioneCantonal Maturity CertificateBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Syria |
Al Shahada Al Thanawiya (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) |
Al Shahada Al Thanawiya (Secondary School Leaving Certificate)Bachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Thailand |
Mathayom Suksa 6 (M6) |
Mathayom Suksa 6 (M6)Bachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Turkey |
Anadolu Lisesi, Devlet Lise Diplomasi (State High School Diploma) or Lise Bitirme Diplomasi (Private High School Diploma) |
Anadolu Lisesi, Devlet Lise Diplomasi (State High School Diploma) or Lise Bitirme Diplomasi (Private High School Diploma)Bachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Tawjihiyya (General Secondary Education Certificate/GSEC) |
Tawjihiyya (General Secondary Education Certificate/GSEC)Bachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Uganda |
The Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE) |
The Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE)Bachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Ukraine |
Atestat pro Povnu Zagal’nu Sersdniu Osvitu |
Atestat pro Povnu Zagal’nu Sersdniu OsvituBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
SAT or the ACT |
SAT or the ACTBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Uzbekistan |
Attestat o srednem obrazovanii (Certificate of Secondary Education) |
Attestat o srednem obrazovanii (Certificate of Secondary Education)Bachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Venezuela |
Titulo de Bachille |
Titulo de BachilleBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Vietnam |
Tot Nghiep Pho Thong Trung Hoc (Upper Secondary School Graduation Certificate) |
Tot Nghiep Pho Thong Trung Hoc (Upper Secondary School Graduation Certificate)Bachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Zambia |
Zambia School Certificate |
Zambia School CertificateBachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |
Zimbabwe |
Cambridge Overseas Higher School Certificate (COHSC) or East African Advanced Certificate of Education (EAACE) |
Cambridge Overseas Higher School Certificate (COHSC) or East African Advanced Certificate of Education (EAACE)Bachelor diplomaTranscript of records (min. 3 years) |