We are living in the cross – cultural world. In order to fully benefit fromthe possibilities acquired through the EU membership, the International Cooperationa and Applied Research Office (ICARO) explores the world of projects, programmes and funding opportunities thanks to which our students can get familiar with Europe.
Within the Lifelong Learning Programme – Erasmus our students are able to spend 4-5 months in one of our partner universities. They may choose from fascinating Madrid, sunny Lisbon, diamond Antwerp and neighbouring Berlin. But that is not all – if you prefer to do a job placement abroad, we offer you an assitance in organizing this international experience. Erasmus grants given for studies/job placements are an excellent opportunity broaden the professional knowledge, to meet new people and gather new experience.
ICARO provides service also to incoming Erasmus students – we can help you to find an accomodation and take care of you during the whole stay! We are supported by Erasmus Student Network (ESN) which is aiming to integrate incoming students with students society of Szczecin.
Until 1st June 2007 the Office focused on international cooperation, which was and is one of the most important priorities of the West Pomeranian Business School from the very beginning. In the era of economy globalization and IT development, it is important and obligatory not to be limited to the local or regional seeing of the modern world.
Since June 2007, the name of the Office and range of its activities underwent extension. With Rector’s resolution, in place of International Cooperation Office, the International Cooperation and Applied Research Office (ICARO) has been established.
Research is carried out in three dimensions:
- International (international research teams, project consortia, bilateral contracts, etc.);
- National (research projects taking advantage of the country’s development dimensions, designed in the National Development Strategy, Operational Programmes, Ministry of Science and Higher Education Programmes, National Cohesion Strategy , etc.);
- Regional (research realization in the scope determined by the Regional Operational Programme, Regional Innovation Strategy, Development Strategy of West Pomeranian County till 2020; applied research for the regional economy, consulting etc.)
Maintaining this research in national and international scale requires contacts with many universities, institutes, training and consulting companies, scientific research platforms etc. In collaboration with this partners, we carry out research and educational projects of many kinds, within the framework of national operational programmes supported by the EU funds) (Human Capital, Infrastructure and Environment, Innovative Economy, Regional Operational Programme), and international programmes (7th Framework Programme of EU, European Territorial Cooperation, LLL Programme, European Youth, Jean Monnet and Tempus, TEN-T, Norwegian Financial Mechanism, Swiss Mechanism, projects of European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, European Investment Bank, World Bank, Polish-German Foundation etc.).
The International Cooperation and Applied Research Office carries out international projects within European programmes such as Leonardo da Vinci Programme or Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007 – 2013. We are doing research in the field of climate changes, preparing trainings for ambitous entrepreneurs and virtual placements in international companies as well as acting in aid of professional activation of best agers. We have already implemented about 50 international projects and we are still counting… Moreover, we are cooperating with various international institutions and universitites – at the moment it is around 100 organizations.
Whatever we do, we do it for the West Pomeranian Business School and its students!