Zachodniopomorska Szkoła Biznesu odnotowała wielki sukces w najnowszym Rankingu Perspektyw, zajmując zaszczytne pierwsze miejsce w kategorii studiów MBA na terenie Pomorza Zachodniego. Ranking “Perspektywy” to jedyny ranking adresowany do absolwentów szkół wyższych. To słuchacze oceniają studia i wydają werdykt. Raport potwierdza wyjątkową jakość programu MBA, wskazując na doskonałe przygotowanie absolwentów do wyzwań biznesowych współczesnego świata. […]

Nasze MBA najlepsze na Pomorzu Zachodnim

ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS The most MAGENTA PARTY of the season is coming up! C U all next week – at the West Pomeranian Business School’s WELCOME PARTY! WHERE: Student Club COYOTE CLUB Szczecin, Jagiellońska 89 St. WHEN: October 26, from 22:00 / to … WHO: all WPBS students! There will be a lot of dancing, […]

30te urodziny Zachodniopomorskiej Szkoły Biznesu
Emocje powoli opadają, euforia mija, dźwięk muzyki nadal brzmi w uszach. Za nami największe i najhuczniejsze urodziny Zachodniopomorskiej Szkoły Biznesu! Przypomnijmy na początku historię ZPSB. Uczelnia powstała w 1993 r. z marzeń, z pasji i wielkiej determinacji Profesora dr hab. Wojciecha Olejniczaka, naukowca i informatyka, współzałożyciela i pierwszego Rektora ZPSB. Profesor Wojciech Olejniczak to wyjątkowy […]
We are welcoming Intraservis job as our recruitment center
We have just started the cooperation with Intraservis Job LTD. They help freign students to study with us, as well as to work. You may check their website, as the opportunities to work and study are amazing.
Due to Coronavirus Poland closes the borders for foreigners. Shopping centers’ activity will be limited
Poland is closing the country borders for foreigners for ten days from Sunday, March 15. All Polish citizens who are currently abroad will be able to return to Poland. However, they will be subject to a mandatory 14-day home quarantine. All international flights will be suspended. The goods will leave and enter Poland without interference. […]
This is to inform that the West Pomeranian Business School no longer cooperates with Impel Education Consultants located in Sri Lanka. The West Pomeranian Business School has never received any tuition fees from the agent for any students who have applied to the University from 2018.
Do you like to run? Does it give you great satisfaction? Do you want to represent WPBSand have fun? Our proposal is just for you! Join the WPBS Relay in the NCDC-Business Race. This is the company relay race, which takes place in Szczecin for the fifth time. The race will take place on June […]
2019/2020 application time is coming soon
We start to accept applications soon for 2019/2020 academic year. Application start: March 18, 2019
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays
Please be informed that due to Holiday Season holiday break is scheduled from 22.12.2018 until 2.01.2019.
Christmas tree decorating
Each year we gather around the Christmas tree, we decorate it together and enjoy the discussion about our Christmas diversity.